PhD at ITC

A PhD study at ITC is carried out in one of the six departments under the supervision of staff and promotor.

PhD theses

About the visual

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Only finished theses are considered – theses without a valid year of publication are excluded.

Most of the theses are allocated to one department, each book is colored according to this allocation. However, not all theses have a specific department indicated. Additionally, one ore several secondary departements can be assigned to a thesis.

PhD origins

ITC's departmentsEOSAESGIPNRSPGMWRSOtherNATop 5 PhD countriesCHN (92)NLD (66)IRN (38)IND (31)KEN (22)

PhD categories

There are on average over a hundred PhD candidates at ITC, including research staff positions (AIO-positions). Most PhD candidates are full-time at ITC, aiming to submit and defend a PhD thesis within a four-year research period. Others are PhD interns spending periods of several months to one year at ITC as part of their studies.

Programme overview

The task of a PhD researcher includes research activities, attending training courses and some teaching and supervising activities. The research activities will provide the PhD candidate with the skills and experience they need to become an independent researcher. Part of the research also involves disseminating the knowledge acquired, for example, through publications in academic journals. During the 4-year PhD programme the candidate must obtain at least 30 credits worth of PhD courses or hands-on activities. These cover academic skills and career development, in depth disciplinary and wide-ranging courses. An integral part of a PhD is writing the PhD thesis and then, of course, presenting and defend the research in public. After successfully completing the PhD, you will be awarded the title of Doctor.