ITC Atlas – beta version

We're working on an online atlas for ITC. The website you're looking at right now is still in beta.

What does the beta phase mean for you?

Watch out for bugs!

Generally, that means that the website itself and its maps, visuals and the texts are not final. Please expect to encounter preliminary content and bugs. In particular, it means that maps, visuals and even entire pages might be renamed, modified or even disappear completely as we incrementally move forward to the final product.

What does the beta phase mean for us?

Well, obviously a lot of work on our table. We are busy improving the individual components used on this website (see the component library) and compiling maps and visualizations. We're updating this publicly available instance frequently as we go.

Why this atlas?

ITC's mission is capacity development. We apply, share and facilitate the effective use of geo-information and earth observation knowledge and tools for tackling global wicked problems. Our activities in education and research are applied in our knowledge domains of Disaster Resilience, Resource Security, Geohealth, and Geo-Ai.

The atlas will contribute to the impact narrative of ITC. It will demonstrate to a wide audience the impact of our capacity development interventions in education, research and institutional strengthening. The maps and diagrams express the geographic and thematic distribution of our activities over time. Its relevance is shown in context of national and international development agendas. The graphics assist to identify and analyse the best practices and lessons learned to be applied in future activities.