Projects over time

Space time cube

The Space-Time Cube allows one to see both the spatial and temporal component of the data. The map on the bottom of the cube represents space and the vertical axe time. The cloud of spheres yet again gives a different perspective on the data (see[1] and [2]). The size of the sphere represents the number of projects in a particular year. Selecting a country will show it on the map and both the sphere and the graph show the temporal distribution of the projects.

Select individual countries to only see projects related to them. Select certain year in the box to see all projects for this year.


Select a country or a year for more details.

Fig.1 Space-time cube representation of ITC project per country since 1990.


The traditional timeline not only shows the temporal distribution of the over thousand projects executed but also their duration

1,094 projects

Fig.2 Timeline of ITC and their duration.